This is another one of my absolute favorite images I grabbed from the web some time ago and whose artist and source is now entirely unknown to me and it now lives in the ether of my "Images I like' folder. I like how Colleen Baran {from whom I ordered this lovely ring} labeled her similar 'I will remember who has made this and needn't make a mark of it' way of saving images in a recent comment.
Does anyone know the image?
{update: thanks to Casey, the image mystery has been solved - the artist's name is Julie Meredith and you can find her work here.}
I don't know, who's the painter of this unfortunately, but I like how the green tones are combinated with the other colours. Very special.
ah! i loved that print so much i ordered the postcard of it - i know i saw it on flickr originally, but here's her website:
this is just perfection, block print, dresses, kneesocks... :-)
ah ha! Thank you Casey for that and the link. it really is so pretty.
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