I have this habit of hording magazines until I get so overwhelmed with how much space they take up that I get a glass of wine, plant myself on the floor and start ripping out the pages I like and tossing the rest. As a result I have piles of orphaned pages I feel compelled to hold on to and along the way I am reminded why I bought the magazine in the first place.
Behold Thomas O'Brien's inspiration wall (I'd know who that is if I have saved the magazine) ... it inspires me to be more 'neatly messy' and not just messy with my workspace and it's walls. I also like the consistent use of red push pins as well as the circle images. Plus, I don't need a ladder, but I'd feel much better if I had one. It's lovely.
hahaha thank goodness! Another magazine horder! When I get to the stage of ripping out the pages I put them in piles - new house, this house, arty, cooking, storage ideas,should show this to someone else..........pretty soon I am in an even bigger mess and I think God I wish I just left them as magazines and stuck a post it note on the front saying "keep"! for the record, I would have kept this picture as well, theres something very appealing about it!
Ha! I spent the entire day yesterday doing precisely that (sans wine) with my Dominoes, Blueprints, and other mags. Thank God for those flags you can put in
Domino. They make the finding of pages one must tear out much more abbreviated. Glad I'm not the only one!
Oh, I am with you on this one...I have so many orphaned pages that I don't even have time to file :) The piles are looking messy!
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