Yesterday was a huge success for les petites bêtes sauvages.... Richard's tree was a serious hit with the crowds, as were the my little guys. I sold quite a few and the experience was a huge boost - people loved their little stories and names so there were a lot of laughs and beastly cuddles and it was great fun to watch people interact with them.
These are images from earlier in the day, during setup, hence the garbage cans and tarps in the background. As my camera ran out of batteries, I'm going to see what I can gather up as far as 'night shots' from friends.
At any rate, Superball 8 - A One Night's World Fair was a great mix of people for a great cause and proceeds from the beasts will be going to the Down Syndrome community. There were a ton of J. Paul Getty Museum people (my former co-workers), artists, designers and a lot of people in the tv/film industry. And also a little fashion show by Hannah Kopacz. A super fun night with lots of star sightings (it never gets old for me); the comedy-duo The Flight of the Concords sighting was pretty exciting since we just saw them perform last week. All in all a great night!
Love the mother and baby in pouch and todler clinging? to her side. Their little blue hands show they share the same DNA. The tree stump is fabulous.
i always love them best when they're all together.
you should built an arc...
your little beasts are delightful. i am in love with them!!
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