Monday, February 9, 2009

Back in LA. Jet-lagged and back to work.

A bright spot from this weekend of trying to stay wake long enough was a trip down to a great little antique store in South Pasadena where I found some amazing buttons. I'm always on the look out for vintage and antique buttons for the beasts.

But the real find? This beautiful card of Catalin buttons.

I learned a lot from the shop keeper. Apparently Catalin and Bakelite are the same material, except one is cast (catalin) and one is molded (bakelite). I never knew this. I did a little bit of researching and the story gets better. Fascinating little read here, if you're interested.


Anonymous said...

the card with the buttons is super.

.girl ferment. said...

i must go read the info.
beautiful card of buttons.

my favourite button is a bakelite one.

Dena said...

Interesting and informative reading aboout catalin & bakelite. Love your post and the buttons. I know how exciting it is to find really great buttons as I have been collecting for 40 yrs!! LOVE buttons!!!!