Be rest assured, my desk will never look this away again... unfortunately. I bit the bullet and finally cleaned everything off and finished my first coat of paint on my desks today. Oh and don't be fooled, I really did paint half of one desk with everything just shoved to one side before I came to my senses. I am that lazy. Tomorrow I'll do the second coat and hopefully Sunday I can apply a sealer.
Painting these doors (lovingly referred to as desks) has been something I've been meaning to do forever. Even since architecture school I've been working on doors from Home Depot and simple saw horses and I can't image anything better... easy to move, cheap, and a huge amount of space if you don't clutter it all up like I do.
It's not like the images show even a hint of the color, but I chose a very lovely green-grey called Whale from Pratt & Lambert. At some point I'll also use Tung oil on the wooden saw horses to bring them to life a little. Fingers crossed that I get to that while the desks are cleared off... knowing me, I'll try to apply the oil in place and make a right mess.
I usually end up working on a corner of my ironing board. I can see the green and it looks great!
i honestly think a workspace like this would make me 10 x more creative... hmmm, but maybe if i were 10x more creative, i'd already have a workspace like this.
damn, chicken/egg.
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